This past week my USB modem router stopped broadcasting it’s wireless signal. Just BOOM, gone. This meant that my iPod and wireless printer were not working properly and it was interfering with my life.
I have my router connected to an MTS internet stick and a cradlepoint wireless USB router. My desktop connects to the router via a cable, so that was not a problem. The problem was the wireless just gave out, gone, not there at all. Opening up the settings I could see that it said it was broadcasting a signal. I had no idea if my router had died or what.
I decided to go into my local MTS Connect store and ask about a warranty. I learnt something new, MTS wireless sticks have a 10GB limit through a wireless router and then it will shut the signal off.
First of all, MTS, I paid for unlimited, you should have no say if I send it over a router or not. Upset about this I had a brainwave on how to fix this on the way home, and good news, it worked.
I took a second wireless router that I had at home, plugged it in, and voila, I have wireless internet again.
Now a couple things to remember – I have no idea if I hit that 10GB cap, I will find out in a couple weeks when my billing cycle resets, or if the wireless part of my router just died.
if your having this problem, give it a try. Might be a way around a stupid wireless carrier problem.